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Chicken Fighters Chicken Fighters 2k12

This is the latest installer version for Chicken Fighters 2k12. Its currently in progress. Its a pretty complete version, just needs to be finished. Written in VB.NET 2010. A little slow on slower computers but runs great on newer ones. Features multiplayer mode, more tournaments, more chickens, more skills, more items, and more fun!

These are the latest builds for the Chicken Fighters 2012. You must have the Microsoft .NET framework 4.0 installed otherwise you will get an error!

Remember the game isnt done, and I dont plan to finish it.  I've released the source code if anybody wants to work on it or learn how I used to program years ago.

From time to time I will post the latest information on builds at the following link. Please post comments and bug finds here as well. The more comments and such the better the game will be and faster I can find issues.

Created 2020-09-02
Changed 2020-09-02
Version Alpha 0.90 (FINAL)
Size 3.29 MB
Created by issa
Changed by issa
Downloads 335

Although we test our games on many computers, we do not offer a warranty of any kind. Please download at your own risk. Run a virus scanner just to make sure, backup your computer too if you are even more paranoid. Nothing should break but just in case we dont want you to have issues. Use the forums if you need help or contact us.