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Chicken Fighters Chicken Fighters 2002 HOT

Chicken Fighters 2002 is the sequel to Chicken Fighters 2000. It features a map where you may walk and interact with people. The fight scenes are way better and multiplayer mode is built in.


PLEASE NOTE:  Some antiviruses think the EXE file is a "hacking" tool.  This is NOT true!  I dont write any malicious code.


Version 1.03

-Bug Fix: Regen ability now stops if you use it then run out of behavior next turn
-Bug Fix: You can now successfully save a game in the save editor (bug occurred in 1.02)
-Bug Fix: When starting a new game, if you choose the desert, town music will not play
-Bug Fix: Closing the map editor screen now doesn't exit the entire game
-Fixed numerous text color problems where they were grayish instead of dark black
-Bug Fix: Talo's face picture is now transparent
-Added code to clean up fights when over so it wont stay in memory and keep running
-Modified the inside building tiles so its more realistic
-Hotkeys can now be used on map to access status/save/options/area screens
-Reduced cost to heal chickens by about 15%
-Added sound when you slaughter chicken
-Chicken/Trainer stat calculator now built into the game title screen
-Slaughtering chickens with high rank now gives you more money
-Web Board now points to the new domain and server
-Some other minor modifications not worth mentioning

-You can now specify a port number instead of the default so you can get past firewalls
-Put code to close the TCP/IP connection when an error occurs to prevent problems and clean up memory
-When you send chat it will show up and remain in the chat box
-Added code so that if ANY error occurs during the fight, it will disconnect
-Bug Fix: Finally found that bug that caused the client to freeze up when the battle started

Version 1.02

-Web Board now stops the browser when you exit
-Web Board now points to the new chat room
-Map editor now included in game from title screen and not a separate file
-Nina's walk tiles changed
-Added clouds with on/off option for slower computers
-Bug Fix: Border now draws all the way on the map
-Removed the map speed debug redraw option since its not useful anymore
-Lowered the exp needed to gain high levels for the hard to train chickens by a little
-Added minimize button on map
-Snacks are now $5 instead of $10
-Bug Fix: You now get the correct exp for beating the town tournament
-There is now a warp between the tournament building and inn
-Tons of code optimization, cleanups
-Some other minor modifications
-Removed the version check, found it not useful at all since invalid versions will cause an error anyway
-Use default taunts option now works correctly
-New feature, during battles you can now click a button to give up

Version 1.01

-Added four more tournaments to arcade mode: Hills, Bridge, Wasteland, Ruins
-Added auto taunt option so you dont have to manually do it
-Added kitty to arcade mode (it is basically the custom character until you change it)
-Added some cool looking icons for attack choices in battles
-Included a stat calculator so you can easily figure out chicken stats
-New character added: Nina
-You now cannot walk on the black tiles anymore
-Added block/defend sound effect
-Added regen sound effect
-Town tournament now gives 100 experience, and 100 cash
-Bug Fix: Volcano tournament now gives you money! Whoops, my bad!
-Bug Fix: End of BorderDraw bugs?
-Face graphics are now better quality and use up less memory
-Lowered the exp needed by a little for gaining higher levels/ranks
-Balance Change: Regen now costs 18 behavior points instead of 16
-You can now create a custom character for arcade mode:
-Create your own face
-Create your own character graphics
-Customize the name
-The custom character will not have a strength or weakness, and will have the Command ability
-Game will now check to make sure both players are running compatable versions
-Better error control in some areas, the game will end if its critical
-Use Only Default Taunts option now available
-Bug Fix: Lag warning message now doesn't always appear at the start of a game
-Rank 10 is now the default chicken rank instead of rank 4
-Added rank 20 option, this will make your chicken very powerful!
-Bug Fix: If you taunt and the opponent is not connected, game will not crash, an error will appear instead
-Bug Fix: Cannot show modal crash hopefully fixed
-Added chat!
-Some other code cleanups, minor bug fixes, optimizations, and modifications

Created 2020-09-02
Version 1.03 FINAL
Size 1.14 MB
Created by issa
Changed by
Downloads 871
License DonationwareTooltip

Although we test our games on many computers, we do not offer a warranty of any kind. Please download at your own risk. Run a virus scanner just to make sure, backup your computer too if you are even more paranoid. Nothing should break but just in case we dont want you to have issues. Use the forums if you need help or contact us.